Introducing Children to New Fruits and Vegetables

young child eating new fruit and veg
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Introducing Children to New Fruits and Vegetables

Tired of tantrums or ‘yuck’s when you serve a healthy meal or fruity snack? Some children are fussier than others and it can be hard to introduce little ones to new foods – especially if they are green or ‘look too healthy’! Rather than resort to using pudding as a bribe – why not try these ideas to get even the fussiest eater to discover their favourite fruit and vegetables.

Blindfold Taste Test Turn getting your five-a-day into a game rather than a chore and new fruit and veg is sure to go down a storm! A tried and tested favourite when introducing children to new fruit and veg is a blindfolded taste test, not only will children enjoy the fun and anticipation of not being able to see the food that they are about to eat, it will also prevent the face-pulling we are all too familiar with when our children are put off by the appearance of fruit or veg.

Sensory Test We’re all used to telling our children to stop playing with their food. Though not appropriate for the dinner table, exploring the way food smells and feels can be key to sparking children’s interest in fruit and veg. Studies have suggested that children who are first introduced to food in a fun, no-pressure environment are more likely to try those foods when it comes to dinner time.

Involve Kids in the Cooking Process As well as providing a great opportunity for families to spend time together, involving your children in the cooking process when you are making dinner or preparing lunch is a great way to introduce new fruits and veg to your children. You will also likely find that little ones will be far more excited to eat (and enjoy!) a healthy meal that they have helped prepare.

Grow Your Own Though we have to wait a little while before we can plant our summer fruits, vegetables like onions, asparagus and certain varieties of sugar snap peas can withstand the colder weather. Getting your family involved in gardening and growing fruits and veg – at any time of year – is a great opportunity to teach children about the responsibility of looking after the garden, as well as introducing healthy, home-grown foods that your children will be so proud of what they have grown.

Unusual Fruit and to Try If you’ve been blessed with a hearty child who loves their fruit and veg, why not introduce them to new, exotic fruit and veg that they may not have tried, seen or even heard of before. Alternatively, if you’re struggling with stubbornness, putting something that looks different and interesting may well prove successful in intriguing your fussy eaters. Our favourite exotic fruits and veg are:
  • Persimmon
  • Dragon Fruit
  • Physalis (Golden Berries)
  • Okra
  • Edamame beans
  • Romanesco broccoli (Roman cauliflower)
  Remember, if you need to label containers for fruit and veg, check out our Original Stick-On Labels or our Date Labels.
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