Healthy Dessert Ideas

Healthy avocado brownies
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Healthy Dessert Ideas

Parents know all too well that getting children to eat healthily isn’t always easy. Even if you’re lucky enough not to have a clan of fussy eaters, for many children, dinner isn’t over until dessert is on the table! After all the chocolate and goodies consumed over Easter, we thought we’d share our favourite healthy pud ideas – and not one of them is fruit salad! Avocado Brownies Avocado is all the rage at the moment, from brunch to burgers to brownies…? We know it sounds like an odd combination, but trust us – these avocado brownies are a delicious way to sneak some healthy goodness into a chocolatey treat!

Store the leftover brownies and label them with our date labels. Raw Apple Doughnuts These fun, fruity treats are great as a dessert or a yummy afternoon snack for children who want a sugar fix. One the apples have been cored and chopped, kids can be left to their own devices to top their healthy Apple Doughnuts with hundreds and thousands, seeds, nuts, choc chips, granola, banana or whatever else they fancy.

Cinnamon Bananas For those days when your children are still ravenous after having polished off a generous, dinner portion, these sweet, cinnamon bananas can be ready in 10 minutes. They’re also a great way to make use of over-ripe bananas for days when you don’t have the time to make a banana bread. These a delicious enjoyed alone, with a spoonful of Greek yogurt or as a yummy pancake topping.

Greek Yogurt Chocolate Mousse A rich, creamy chocolate mouse is tempting for adults and children alike. This chocolate mousse substitutes cream for Greek yogurt and sugar for honey. For a really strong cocoa taste, use 70-80% dark chocolate, though this may be a little bitter for young children, so 60% may be a better option. If you fancy something a bit different, try adding a drop of mint or orange flavouring.

We hope you enjoy our healthy dessert recipes; they are all saved to our Healthy Dessert Pinterest Board.

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