Ideas on having a stress-free school morning
How does she do it?
The truth is she doesn’t.
My life is one schedule of school, work, home and a few clubs thrown in. Sometimes the balance is perfect- everyone is where they should be, everyone is happy. Dinner is on time, the school shirt is hanging up (cleaned & ironed!) and the mufti money/club forms/permission slips are signed, sealed and delivered. On time.
Other days, the balance is out. I feel overwhelmed at the slightest task. I procrastinate- not hitting the mark on anything. I drop balls. My spinning plates crash and I’m running late, sweating, stressed as I pile my children out of the door. And I’m often shouting.
Such is life. There are days when it’s all going like clockwork; there are days when it isn’t.
The first thing I should say here is that I work part time. My children are now all at school. I am lucky to have a few days to myself. Mr Miller helps with the school run and is always hands on with sport. We cannot compare like for like. But if you wanted some ideas…
1️⃣ I stay up late and get things done the night before. My future friend. Before I go to bed, the school shoes are out, book bags are ready by the door, water bottles are filled in the fridge, the dishwasher is empty, cereal bowls are on the table and the uniform is laid out.
2️⃣My children help. They aren’t perfect but they are getting there. They are responsible for making their own breakfasts (oxo good grips cereal storage always in reach) and getting dressed by themselves.
3️⃣I have a timetable on the fridge. One is for clubs with all the timetables listed out. One is for dinners. When my shop arrives, I look at the use by dates and plan. One day home made with all the veggies; the next a ready meal. Balance.
4️⃣I cut corners. I don’t iron all the clothes. I buy frozen roasties. On a Friday we eat beans on toast. Or cereal. I clean only parts of the house at a time. I go easy on myself. I try to ask for help (I’m working on this!)
5️⃣ On Friday I read through the school emails. I make good use of my class WhatsApp groups (we have bulletin WhatsApp’s which means they are only for key messages so nothing gets lost in chat) I use my calendar on my phone to sync with Mr Miller!
It’s a never ending juggle- one of which is always super hard in the first few weeks of term so don’t be surprised if you’re feel particularly overwhelmed this week! We all are- some just hide it better than most.