Handy Homework Hacks

Handy Homework Hacks
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Handy Homework Hacks

Homework Help!

Ah homework! The bane of many children’s (and parent’s lives!!) but not something you can ever really escape from...so here are my tips to help!

✍️ Get your child a desk. Having a proper working space is so important. If it’s the kitchen table, no problem. Just ensure it’s comfortable without distractions and well equipped with enough stationery!

✍️ Stay near. You do need to be around- perhaps just to check it through for them or help them stay focussed. It also helps you see their progress. Homework should COMPLEMENT what’s taught in school- it shouldn’t be something that is brand new.

✍️ Minimise distractions. Remove phones and younger children from the room and avoid having the TV in view. Otherwise there’s a lot of FOMO!

✍️ Get it done early. Completing it the day it comes in is ideal as this stops work mounting up. Or designate Saturday first thing to it. Helping your child manage their time and working to a deadline is a great life lesson- especially for becoming secondary school ready. Often having a snack after school and then doing homework works best as they are still in the zone. Allow screen time before homework & you’ll have a hard job convincing them to turn it off! 

✍️ Have a class WhatsApp group. A godsend if your child has forgotten to bring their homework home or hasn’t written the task down! Also check emails as most homework is emailed over now. 

✍️ Be their cheerleader. Offer lots of praise, be sympathetic, work together as a team. Reward progress & effort. Be positive. If it results in tears, allow time out for them to step away for 5 minutes. Just avoid doing it for them! This doesn’t help anyone.

✍️ Set a visual timer. Remember it’s 3xtheir age... a 7yo should manage 20minutes of concentration. Timers are ideal for both perfectionists and procrastinators! If it’s taking forever, STOP! Inform the teacher that you spent X amount of time on it & leave it be. It’s not the end of the world & it’s helpful for the teacher to know how to further support them.

✍️ Offer snacks and water whilst they work. Crunchy & chewy foods can actually aid concentration and water keeps our brains in tip top condition. A hungry child is not going to want to work!

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